
Galvan Law

(Galván Abogados)

Law Firm in Mexico

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Terms of use


Described herein you will find the terms of use for the downloadable contents of the Website you’re visiting: (hereinafter referred to as the Website).
By browsing, seeing, reading or using the information contained in the Website you agree to be bound by these terms of use as defined hereinafter and the terms and limitations described in the Legal Notice to the Website.
The content of the Website has been designed complying with applicable Law in the United States of Mexico. We assume and hereby you agree to assume yourself as making use of the Website, if virtually, in Mexican territory, and therefor, agree with despacho juídico, s.a., to be subject to the applicable Law in the United States of Mexico and to the jurisdiction of Pachuca City’s Supreme Court of Justice, in the State of Hidalgo in Mexican territory regarding its enforcement, regardless of other jurisdiction you may have a right to for any reason and regardless of the territory or geographical location you intend to make use of the information obtained from the Website.
The downloadable content are documents created by Galvan Law, that exemplify the writing of the most common legal acts in commerce and regarding civil relationships among legal entities, be them individuals, corporations or both. The purpose of the downloadable content, as previously mentioned, is merely explanatory of common conditions and slang used in such legal acts.
The downloadable content is distributed freely under the GNU Free Documentation License.
You may copy and distribute the downloadable content in any medium, either commercially or noncommercially, provided that this License, the copyright notices, and the license notice saying this License applies to the downloaded content are reproduced in all copies, and that you add no other conditions whatsoever to those of this License.


Responsibility for the use of the downloadable content

As mentioned, the downloadable content must be considered as merely informative and under no circumstance will be construed to constitute legal counsel or advice or to have constituted a service provided through the Website, whether professional or otherwise. Be it by action, decision making or otherwise, before making use, in any way, of the downloadable content in the Website in a way that could affect your interests or assets based on the information contained in the Website and its downloadable content, we compel you to seek adequate counsel and advisory from a specialist to enable you to make an informed decision regarding the way the use you will make of the information contained in the Website (downloadable and informational) will affect you, the repercussions your decision may have in your human and legal scope.
The use you make of the information in the Website, including the downloadable content, is under your sole and exclusive responsibility. Under no circumstance do we warrant that the use you give to the aforementioned content will lead you to perfecting whatever legal act you’re after.
We insist: Regarding Law matters/issues – anywhere in the World – you should seek appropriate counsel and advisory from a specialist (in the United Mexican States, a Lawyer with a license to practice, Cédula Profesional) issued by a proper authority Dirección General de Profesiones, dependent upon the Secretaría de Educación Pública) in order to be informed and get a clear and exhaustive explanation of the repercussions your actions will have in reality and your legal scope.
By accessing the next page, entitled Answers, you will be enabled to download the content we have been referring to as downloadable content. To that effect you must click in the link at the end of the following paragraph that says I accept the terms of use, by which (clicking) you acknowledge to have read the Terms of Use as described above and the Legal Notice to the Website and that you agree with all stipulations therein, your sole and exclusive responsibility regarding the use, editing and distribution of the content or downloadable content in the Website.
If you do not agree to the preceding parragraph, please do not use the content or downloadable content in the Website.

I accept the terms of use


Copyright notice:

Copyright © YEAR YOUR NAME. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled “GNU Free Documentation License.

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